
This privacy policy describes how triccabin collects, uses, shares and protects information from and about you, along with choices you can make about such information. It also contains other important privacy disclosures, such as how we may update the privacy policy and how you can contact us. We attach great importance to the security of users’ personal information, we will never sell user information. We have SSL certificates to protect users’ transportation data and payment data. 


This Privacy Statement applies to your interaction with triccabin in our stores and online. It covers the privacy practice of Cabnetics Commercial Cabinetry, Llc. except as outlined below. It applies to personal information about our current or prospective customers, visitors and job applicants.

In some cases, we may provide additional details about privacy practices specific to a particular operation or location. For example, some of our websites may provide additional privacy details unique to that website.

What Information We Collect

We collect the following categories of information in order to provide products and services to you, to communicate with you, to enhance our products, services and operations, and for other operational, legal and compliance purposes:

  • Identification information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, alias, address, phone number, email address, payment information, signatures or other identifiers. We may also collect online identifiers, such as your IP address, when you browse our websites or use our applications. We may collect government-issued ID for certain types of transactions – but please provide government-issued ID information only if we ask you to.
  • Commercial information, such as products or services you purchased or considered purchasing.
  • Protected class information under state or federal laws, such as age, gender and family status.
  • Online activities information, such as browsing history, search history and other information when you interact with our websites, applications and advertisements. We, and our third-party partners, may also use analytics tools to collect information about your keystroke activity and rhythms, mouse movements, scrolling, and clicks when you use our websites or mobile applications.
  • Geolocation data, including precise geolocation data if you allow our application to collect it.
  • Audio, electronic or visual information, such as audio or video recording when you call us or when you come to our stores, but please note we may not be able to associate such recordings with you.
  • Professional or employment-related information, such as when you provide us the information in a survey.
  • Education information, such as when you apply for a job with us or respond to a customer survey.
  • Inferences or preferences we learn or infer about you.
  • Other personal information, if it identifies, relates and can be reasonably associated with or linked to you (or your household).

We do not knowingly collect or disclose personal information from children under the age of 16 without parental or guardian consent. If a child under the age of 16 has provided us with personally identifiable information, we ask that a parent or guardian contact us so that the information can be deleted.

What Are the Sources of Your Information

We collect different types of information about you from a number of sources, including information you provide to us, information we automatically collect, information we obtain from other sources (specified below) and information we derive or infer about you.

Information You Provide

You may choose to provide us with information when you interact with us. Examples include:

  • Identification information. You may provide your contact information in case we need to reach out to you. You may also set up your login and access credentials when creating or accessing your My triccabin account. To complete transactions, we collect your payment information (e.g., credit or debit card numbers) and signatures. We may need your government-issued ID number or date of birth for certain types of special transactions.
  • Commercial information. You may provide or generate commercial information regarding your triccabin purchases, returns, exchanges, warranties and rebates.
  • Protected class information under state or federal law. You may provide your protected demographic information, including age, gender, marriage and family status, such as when you complete a survey from us.
  • Your preferences and inferences. You may let us know your preferences in a survey, contest, promotion or sweepstakes or other content you submit, such as product reviews.
  • Professional or employment-related information. You may also provide other professional or employment-related information when you respond to our surveys or apply for a job on triccabin Career Portal.
  • Education information. You may provide education information in job applications or surveys.
  • Other personal information, such as your medical and insurance information, if you submit a claim to us.

Information We Collect by Automated Means

We collect information by automated means online and offline. When you use our websites or mobile applications, triccabin and our partners may collect certain information by using Cookies and Other Technologies. If you choose to connect your mobile device to our free in-store Wi-Fi, we may collect your device usage information. When you visit our store or call our customer care hotline, we may collect audio or video information.

We collect the following information via automated means:

  • Identification information, such as your IP address, device ID, cookie ID, mobile advertising identifier or pixel identifier.
  • Online activities, such as browse and search history, interactions with our websites, applications, clickstreams or other information about your online interactions. We, and our third-party partners, may also use analytics tools to collect information about your keystroke activity and rhythms, mouse movements, scrolling, and clicks when you use our websites or mobile applications.
  • Geolocation data. With your consent, we may collect certain information about your precise location through our mobile applications to help you locate the nearest triccabin store or alert our stores when you are on the way to pick up your orders, or for analytic purposes.
  • Audio, video or electronic information, such as audio or video recording of the conversations for quality control, training, security and analytic purposes when you call our customer service centers or other phone support lines. We may also use video monitoring and other tracking technologies at triccabin stores to enhance security, protect against theft and other crimes and to monitor in-store traffic patterns, customer counts and interests, and perform similar analytics. However, we may or may not be able to associate such information with you.

Information We Collect from Other Sources

  • Identification information. We may collect your contact information from triccabin affiliates, acquired businesses, business partners, public sources or other individuals, such as through “Refer a Friend” programs or if someone purchases a product and asks that it be delivered to you.
  • Commercial information. We may obtain your commercial information, such as your purchase history, from triccabin affiliates, acquired businesses or business partners.
  • Inferences or preference information about you, protected class information under state or federal laws, professional or employment-related information, education background and geolocation information. We may collect inferences or preference information about you from business partners, such as data analytics or survey vendors. We may use such information to conduct aggregated analyses of our customer composition, and we may collect your interest and preference information to recommend products or services that may interest you. We may also learn about your preferences from public sources, such as information you submit in a public forum (e.g., a customer review).

Information We Generate or Derive

Inferences or preference information about you. We may generate or derive some information about you based on other information we collect. For instance, we may analyze your information and infer your shopping preferences to provide tailored recommendations to you. We may also conduct analyses based on aggregated or de-identified information.

Why We Collect Your Information

We use your personal information for various business or commercial purposes, including fulfilling products and services, communicating with you, supporting and enhancing our business functions and for other legal, compliance and security purposes.

Fulfill Products, Services and Transactions

We may use your identification information, commercial information, online activities, geolocation information, audio/video, geolocation and other personal information to provide products and services to you, such as:

  • Provide and deliver products and services, fulfill your orders and transactions, manage returns and exchanges.
  • Process, record and track your purchases, payments, returns, warranties and rebates.
  • Create and manage your account registrations or benefit or reward program enrollment, such as your account.
  • Conduct and administer contests, surveys and sweepstakes.
  • Provide you with in-store navigation and mapping services and help you find store locations near you.
  • Fulfill benefits associated with your membership or other use of our products and services.
  • Identify and verify your identity when needed to provide you with products and services or access to our systems.

Facilitate Customer Communication and Outreach

We may use your identification information, commercial information, online activities, characteristics of protected class information under state or federal law (e.g., gender), inference and preference, audio/video, professional or employment-related information, education information, geolocation and other personal information to facilitate and tailor our outreach to you, such as:

  • Communicate with you through various channels with transactional or promotional information, such as transaction confirmation and reminder, newsletters, coupons and other messages.
  • Evaluate and respond to your requests, inquiries and applications.
  • Administer programs for product reviews and surveys as submitted by you and other customers.

Enhance Our Products, Services and Operations

We may use all categories of information we collect listed above to enhance our products, services and operations:

  • Conduct research and internal analytics, develop new products and services, perform market research and data analytics, and analyze our products, services, websites and applications.
  • Customize your experiences in our stores and online, including customized advertisements and offers.
  • Determine and manage the effectiveness of our advertising and marketing.
  • Administering our websites and applications, and perform accounting, auditing, billing, reconciliation and collection activities.

Comply with Legal, Compliance, Law Enforcement and Security Requirements

We may use identification information, commercial information, online activities, geolocation, audio/video and other personal information for legal, compliance, fraud prevention and security purposes:

  • Comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements, industry standards and our policies and terms, such as our Terms of Service.
  • Assist law enforcement and respond to regulatory inquiries.
  • Detect security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity and prosecute those responsible for that activity.

How We Protect Information

We maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed and intended to protect personal information against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. Despite these safeguards, due to inherent uncertainty in the use of the internet and information systems and the potential for unlawful attacks by third parties, we cannot guarantee that the use of our systems, websites or applications will be completely safe or secure.

Information we collect and use may be transferred, stored and accessed globally to support our operations. We retain information for as long as it is needed or useful to provide and improve our 8 products and services, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.